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At the Eye Institute of Houston, eye specialists provide a wide variety of services to patients of all ages. Dry eye disease is a condition that doesn’t get much attention. This is interesting because as much as one-third of the global adult population experiences the symptoms of this eye disease. Here, we discuss what dry ... read more
Cataract Surgery: What to Expect During Recovery
Millions of people are diagnosed with cataracts. Fortunately, most have time to understand their condition and make confident decisions about the timing of cataract removal surgery. Also, fortunately, patients who undergo cataract removal can expect to regain clear sight. Our patients tend to understand the value of cataract removal surgery. What they usually have questions ... read more
During Glaucoma Awareness Month, Let’s Talk Do’s and Don’ts
You may be aware of the fact that glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. Recently, it has been estimated that, by 2020, as many as 79 million people will be living with this eye disease. Glaucoma has been referred to as a “silent” disease. The term describes the discreet ... read more
Brighten Your New Year Outlook by Banishing Dark Circles
We’ve all had those mornings where a lack of sleep has left dark circles under the eyes. When this problem occurs infrequently and can be traced back to tossing and turning or a little too little water consumption the day before, frustration may be fleeting. However, for those whose daily routine involves either trying to ... read more
It’s Diabetic Eye Disease Month. Do Your Eyes Need Help?
At the Eye Institute of Houston, we value optimal outcomes for all of our patients. This is why our facility has been equipped with proven systems for addressing all levels of optical and ophthalmic care. November is Diabetic Eye Disease Month, which leads us to want to turn our attention toward the very important matter ... read more
Should I Get LASIK?
Millions of people wear contact lenses or eyeglasses on a daily basis. When these corrective lenses are needed all day, every day, problems are bound to arise. For some time, most people can deal with the minor nuisances associated with wearing either type of lens. They learn to look away while opening the oven door ... read more
Special Care for Students’ Eyes
By this point in the year, most children are settling into a new routine in the classroom. It may feel as though, just weeks ago, you were rushing to purchase back backs and load them with school books. During the busy-ness of the new school year getting underway, you may have forgotten one important point: ... read more
August is National Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. This provides us with the opportunity to discuss the value of routine eye exams for every child. In the same way that adults eye may not observe objects as clearly as possible, so can children’s eyes let them down. The routine eye exams that begin before ... read more
For more than fifteen years, men and women have been turning to Botox injections to smooth lines and wrinkles that cause their eyes to look younger. The informal use of this drug began fifteen years before that, when eye doctor Jean Carruthers was told by a patient being treated for blepharospasm that her worry lines ... read more
LASIK and Your Return to the Digital World
Our modern standard of living revolves largely around the everyday use of technology. Most homes have at least one television and usually several more electronic devices. From gaming consoles to cellular phones to desktops and tablets, our devices are what help us get through the day. We rely on these devices in our professional life ... read more